Press 1 to speak with someone about extending your cars warranty before its too late Does this voicemail sound familiar. Most robocalls are prohibited by law but that doesnt stop scammers from trying to bait unknowing consumers into giving them cash.
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If you havent gotten the automated phone call frantically saying that you desperately need to speak to someone about your cars warranty consider yourself lucky.

Car warranty expiring calls. The calls say your warranty is about to expire and people believe its the manufacturer calling them. And you should proceed with caution. Did you receive a call telling you that your car truck or SUVs warranty has expired and you need to renew it.
Confronting live operators or answering for computer generated calls will usually only result in the problem continuing or escalating. Those annoying calls that remind you that your vehicles warranty has expired or is about to may not just be aggressive telemarketing. Step 3 - Avoid Calls from Unknown Area Codes.
The companies use names like Dealer Services or Dealer Warranty Division to mislead people. You get a robocall that says that your car warranty is about to expire and that you can extend it for a particular amount of money The voice prompts you to press a number to connect with an agent that will explain the details of the deal to you The voice suggests you press another number if you want to be taken off the calling list. Over the last several months my cell phone has been inundated with these scam phone calls from tele-marketers claiming that my warranty is expiring.
If you receive another phone call from the same phone number simply do not answer. Updated November 01 2020 Have you ever received a startling phone call or an ominous letter warning you that your cars warranty is about to expire and urging you to purchase an extended warranty. Whether you own a car or not youve probably gotten some version of this auto warranty robocall.
Scammers are not just busy on the internet they are burning up the phone lines in attempts to scam people. It might sound like its coming from your dealership or another. It goes like this.
They might be scams the Federal Trade Commission warns. And the number one unwanted call in 2021 has to do with your cars warranty. You get a call saying your car warranty is about to expire but that you can pay a little extra to extend it.
If you own a vehicle and a phone you may receive calls from scammers posing as representatives of a car dealer manufacturer or insurer telling you that your auto warranty or insurance is about to expire. If you gave in and actually. See below for a consumer report of calls of this type.
This is the case even though I no longer own the car that they are calling about LOL. Have you ever answered your phone and heard something like this. The call will include some sort of pitch for renewing your warranty or policy.
And the number one unwanted call so far in 2021 has to do with your cars warranty according to the Federal Trade Commission. He said We have a vehicle warranty and have noticed that you are in need of one I said How do you know that I am in need of a warranty right now He said Your previous warranty just recently lapsed and we need to make sure that you are continually covered. The policies sometimes have so many caveats the consumers later find the contract did not really cover anything Southwick said.
Its at the point where I now screen all my calls on my cell and if I dont recognize the number I dont answer it. If so youre not alone. Scammers may pose as representatives of a car dealer or manufacturer and try to sell you an extended service contract that might provide only scant coverage or not actually exist.
So simply ignore calls from a number you know is from an auto warranty company. It seems that almost every day someone needs to. This is a final courtesy call before we close out your file.